
Saturday, February 26, 2011


OK, I am officially the worst blogger on Earth... Well, since Christmas, we have had some pretty exciting things happen.  The first of which, was our Anniversary! I can't believe we have been married a year (well a year and 2 months now). It's been great and we are just as in love today as the day we said I Do.  Colin surprised me with a bouquet of pink roses.  We both took the day off of work and did whatever we wanted which was a nice change of pace.  We slept in, had breakfast and got ready for the day.  My mom sent me a gift card to Applebees which is pretty much the only restaurant in Rexburg. So we went there for lunch. After lunch, we went the temple and did sealings.  It was awesome to go through that experience on the exact day that we did it the year before and to hear the blessings that were promised to us by being sealed together for eternity.  And what a blessing it is to be able to do that for those who have died and are waiting for those important blessings. For dinner, I was really craving a good steak so we decided to go down to Jakers in Idaho Falls.  It's as fancy as we possible could get as two poor college students.  Plus the food is great! As an anniversary present, we finally purchased a new TV.  We got a great deal online from Walmart and it was delivered a few days after our anniversary.  We've enjoyed the huge difference in picture quality than our old one.
I started Student Teaching in January and I am now teaching independently all day.  It has been an interesting experience.  At first, I struggled with the age group and content levels.  I spend most of my preparing learning the content for myself so it is hard to plan and learn everything so I can teach it and explain it well enough for them.  I struggled quite a bit with this at the beginning, but now that I have been teaching full time for a while now, I am enjoying it a lot more.
Hubs is also enjoying his last semester.  He is working with a couple companies helping them market their company.  I am not sure all the details, but I can tell he  enjoys it so much that he loses himself in the projects.  He is planning to leave for Ohio to flight school at the end of April.  I'll be staying here and working while he is gone through the summer.  Hopefully, he can get done with it in a month or two, because I will sure miss him! And who am I gonna have take out the trash? It's exciting knowing that graduation is in a little over a month, and that our families will all be coming to celebrate this with us.
Most recently, we went to Boise to visit Colin's Aunt Sheila and Uncle Craig.  We had heard that Colin's sister and cousin and their families would be coming for a visit, and when they invited us to come as well, it turned into a bit of a family reunion.  Mom and Dad Sorensen and the Waltman kids came up on Saturday too.  We were all hoping that Colin's sister Becky would go into labor so we could all come down and meet the newest edition to the family, Lydia.  But, we weren't that fortunate.  So, as soon as baby Lydia decides to come into the world, we will be taking a quick trip to Twin to meet her.  It was a fun weekend full of food and shopping, like always.  Colin's cousin Ariel is about half way through her pregnancy, and just found out she is having a girl too, so we spent a lot of shopping time looking at pink girly baby clothes, which was just so much fun! I am so glad my husbands family is so great and that I fit right in! I love my own family so much, and it is so great to have in-laws that remind me of my own family.

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